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achieve3000 (i am malala)


part 1

question 1

which best replaces the question mark in the box above?

a the taliban passed a series of strict rules.

b malala addressed a group at the nobel peace prize ceremony in oslo, norway.

c malala worked to all children receive an education.

d the pakistani government passed a bill that guarantees a free education for all children.

question 2

what cause and effect relationship is described in this article?

a the united nations held "malala day" because malala won the nobel peace prize.

b the taliban attacked malala because she wrote about the group in her book.

c malala received the nobel peace prize because of her work to children receive an education.

d malala's father started a school because pakistan guarantees an education to children ages 5 to 16.

question 3

which passage from the article best supports the idea that malala has worked to children receive an education?

a in july 2013, the united nations held "malala day."

b around that time, malala created the malala fund.

c malala's father, however, stood up to the taliban. he kept his school open to girls, even in the face of threats.

d the international support led pakistan to take action. just weeks after the attack, the nation passed a bill that guarantees a free education for all children between ages 5 and 16.

question 4

which two words from the article are the closest antonyms?

a guarantee and deny

b weapon and struggle

c support and fund

d powerful and strict

question 5

which event in the article took place third?

this question asks about when events happened. it does not ask where in the article the events appear. look back at the article for clues, such as dates.

a malala was seriously hurt when the taliban tried to assassinate her.

b malala made a speech on "malala day."

c malala was recognized for her work when she received the nobel peace prize.

d malala released a book about her life.

question 6

the news article says all of the following except

a malala's book has been translated into different languages.

b malala shared the nobel peace prize with kailash satyarthi.

c pakistan's government pledged $10 million to the malala fund.

d pakistan's government attempted to force the taliban from the country.

question 7

the article states:

the taliban passed a series of strict rules. these included banning women and girls from attending school.

the author's purpose in writing this passage was to the reader understand

a how people in swat valley responded to the taliban's series of strict rules

b how life for people in swat valley changed after the taliban took over the area

c what led pakistan to pass the bill guaranteeing an education for children ages 5 to 16

d why the taliban chose to pass a series of strict rules

question 8

the article states:

in its first three months, the fund received $3 million from around the globe. the pakistani government pledged another $10 million.

which would be the closest synonym for the word pledge?

a persuade

b promise

c protect

d pinch

select the letter of the correct answer.

the nobel peace prize was awarded 128 times between 1901 and 2014. it was awarded 103 times to individuals and 25 times to organizations. what percent of the nobel peace prizes awarded between 1901 and 2014 were awarded to organizations? round the answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.

a19.5% of the nobel peace prizes

b32.1% of the nobel peace prizes

c24.3% of the nobel peace prizes

d16.3% of the nobel peace prizes

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