Refer to the passage. "CHAPTER III.


Article 33. The Imperial Diet shall consist of two Houses, a House of Peers and a House of Representatives.

Article 34. The House of Peers shall, in accordance with the ordinance concerning the House of Peers, be composed of the members of the Imperial Family, of the orders of nobility, and of those who have been nominated thereto by the Emperor.

Article 35. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members elected by the people, according to the provisions of the law of Election."

Excerpt from Japan's 1889 Meiji Constitution, which created an elected government

How did changes in Japan differ from those in the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century?

Political reforms in Japan diminished Japan’s regional influence, while nationalism in the Ottoman Empire led to the Ottoman Empire’s expansion.
Imperial influence in Japan resulted in a more secularized society, while the Ottoman Empire backed away from its commitment to Islam.
Imperial influence in Japan made it difficult to modernize, while the Ottoman Empire successfully created a parliamentary system.
Political reforms in Japan strengthened the economy, while the Ottoman Empire was weakened by unequal treaties with Europe.

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