27.04.2021 • 

Riddle Answer me this..

Three men had a Job interview at the same company. They all came late at the same time, so the employer asked them one question. He asked

" Why are you late?".

One said: "Sir, I woke up early this morning and told my son to make me a hot coffee with two teaspoons of sugar only, but he added three spoons of sugar instead, so I had to pick out one spoon of sugar from my coffee before drinking it. That is why I am late

Second man said: " Sir! My problem is worse. I was on my way here when a heavy rain started to fall. Because I did not want my clothes to get wet, I had to dry out the rain from the sky.

Then the third man said: Sir! My problem is confusing. You see sir, I dressed up and was all ready for my interview when a huge earthquake happened and split the ground into two, so in order for me to drive on the road, I had to sew the ground back together.

Among these three men, Who is the worst liar? :)

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