28.08.2020 • 

(01.02H HC) All proteins have amino acids as their building blocks. Even though there are only 20 amino acids, there are more
than a million different proteins, and each works in a unique way. Which of the following conclusions about a
protein's function is best supported by this information? (4 points)
a. the amino acids combine in different ways to form proteins with different shapes, and this affects which molecules combine to it, which intern directs the proteins function.
b. The shape of a protein dictates when a protein will break apart and tell me a acid, which in turn affects the proteins function.
c. The shape of a protein determines what amino acids it is made of and what types of reactions it can be used for, Which in turn affects the proteins function.
d. The amino acids reproduce in different ways, and this allows them to form many different proteins, which in turn directs proteins function.

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