28.10.2020 • 

1.A student completed an experiment that compared the amount of nitrogen given to a tomato plant to how many tomatoes the plant produced. Which of the following is the best axis label and placement for the independent variable? 4. Four groups of students were given a piece of aluminum foil (20cm x 20cm), a container holding one liter of water, and some pennies. Each group was instructed to use the aluminum foil to make a boat that would hold the greatest number of pennies while floating on the water. What is the dependent variable in this experiment? (SC.912.N.1.1)

Miguel was conducting an experiment. He wrote the following sentences in his science interactive notebook:

The starting temperature of the water was 10 degrees Celsius
An object weighing 5 grams was placed in the water
The temperature of the water increased to 15 degrees
The object must have been hotter than 10 degrees
In which sentence did Miguel make an inference? (SC.912.N.1.6)

A drug company tests a new blood pressure medication before getting FDA approval to market the drug to the public. Pills containing no medication are given to 500 people in Group 1, and pills containing the new medication are given to 500 people in Group 2.

In this experiment, what is Group 1 considered? (SC.912.N.1.1)

Nick wondered if athletes had the same active pulse rate as people who were not athletes. For

his study, he selected 5 athletes and 5 non-athletes. His subjects had similar body weights and

heights. Nick had each subject walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes at a speed of 3 miles per

hour. For each subject, he recorded their pulse rate before exercising, after 5 minutes of

exercise, and after 10 minutes of exercise. When he analyzed his data, he discovered no

statistically significant difference between the two groups. What could Nick do next to make

sure his data are valid? (SC.912.N.1.4)

A scientific study showed that the depth at which algae were found in a lake varied from day

to day. On clear days, the algae were found as much as 6 meters below the surface of the

water but were only 1 meter below the surface on cloudy days. Which hypothesis best

explains these observations?

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