24.08.2019 • 

1. two-year old zack has an inherited disorder in which his body cannot break down fat. he will probably die by the time he is four. zack is most likely suffering from:
a. phenylketonuria.
b. sickle-cell anemia.
c. tay-sachs disease.
d. down syndrome.
the first two weeks of a pregnancy, from conception to implantation, are known as the period.
select one:
a. embryonic
b. germinal
c. fetal
d. critical
3. which of the following is true of transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms)?
a. it uses an electrical current.
b. it is still experimental.
c. it is not as popular as it used to be.
d. it does not have any side effects.
4. drive-reduction approaches to motivation are:
select one:
a. theories suggesting that a lack of some basic biological need produces a drive to push an organism to satisfy that need.
b. beliefs that we try to maintain certain levels of stimulation and activity.
c. theories suggesting that motivation stems from the desire to obtain valued external goals.
d. theories suggesting that motivation is a product of people's thoughts, expectations, and goal.
5. according to data presented in your text, approaches to psychotherapy tend to be more successful than do approaches.
select one:
a. psychodynamic and humanistic; behavioral cognitive
b. cognitive behavioral; psychodynamic
c. cognitive and humanistic; behavioral and psychodynamic
d. behavioral and client-centered; cognitive and psychodynamic

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