10.04.2021 • 

1. What are some different ways that copies of DNA can be passed along? Compare the transfer of DNA in bacterium to the transfer of DNA in a species that uses sexual reproduction. How do the offspring compare to the parents? 2. What are the risks of cloning versus the advantages of the genetic variety created by sexual reproduction? What is the cost of sexual reproduction?

3. How many sperm are produced by the average human male each second/day/lifetime?

4. What process is used to make sperm cells and egg cells?

5. When does a human female produce her eggs?

6. Where do eggs mature before they are released? How many eggs does the average human female release per month?

7. Describe the path taken by the egg once it is released from the ovary. How does the egg move?

8. Where does the fallopian tube lead to?

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