09.12.2020 • 

1. When and how did Stone become interested in caving? 2. Why did Stone begin developing new technology and machines? What is something that Stone has helped invent?

3. What are some of the reasons why individuals explore caves? Do you think you’d like to explore caves? Why or why not?

4. What are troglobites and how have they adapted to living in the cave environment?

5. How has the equipment changed from the early days of caving until now?

6. In the video, what qualities does Stone say that they look for in people for a caving expedition? Why do you think these qualities would be important?

7. What is life like in a cave camp? Do you think you would like to experience this? Why or why not?

8. Why are Stone and other scientists interested in Europa? Why would an AUV be needed on Europa?

9. In the video, Stone discusses DepthX. What is DepthX? What does it do?

10. How does Stone hope to get involved with space exploration and travel?

11. Describe the expedition that took place at Cheve Cave as described in the “Race to the Center of the Earth” website. What challenges did the team face?

12. What are the four types of caves discussed on the Virtual Cave website? Describe each type.

13. What are some of the formations found in Lechuguilla as discussed in the “Mysterious Life of Caves”? Describe what some of these formations look like?

14. Why are the crystals in the Cave of Giant Crystals unique, as discussed in the “Giant Crystal Cave” website? Why is the habitat dangerous to humans? Why do scientists think that it might tell us more about the possibility of life on Mars?

15. On the “Europa Jupiter System Mission” website, it discusses whether there may be life on Jupiter’s moons. Why do scientists think that there might be life on some of Jupiter’s moons? How are scientists studying the moons in this video?

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