10.11.2020 • 

1) Which of the following sequence MOST likely represents ecological succession on a recently abandoned wheat field? A) grasses→ flowering plants → shrubs → native trees

B) native trees → shrubs → flowering plants → grasses

C) shrubs → grasses → native trees → flowering plants

D) flowering plants → native trees → shrubs → grasses

2) What is the relationship between ecological succession and equilibrium in an ecosystem?

A) Ecological succession helps maintain equilibrium in an ecosystem.

B) Ecological succession prevents ecosystems from ever reaching equilibrium.

C) There is no relationship between ecological succession and equilibrium.

D) Ecological succession and equilibrium are the same thing.

3) appearance of small plants with rapidly spreading roots on newly formed coastal sand dunes describes -

A) a microhabitat.

B) primary succession.

C) secondary succession.

D) biodiversity

4)Why does secondary succession occur faster than primary succession?

A) fewer changes must occur in secondary succession

B) there are more pioneer species in secondary succession

C) the environmental conditions are more

extreme in primary succession

D) there are more trophic levels in secondary succession

4) Why does secondary succession occur faster than primary succession?

A) fewer changes must occur in secondary succession

B) there are more pioneer species in secondary succession

C) the environmental conditions are more

extreme in primary succession

D) there are more trophic levels in secondary succession

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