12.05.2021 • 

100 POINTS! 100 POINTS! 100 POINTS! 100 POINTS! 100 POINTS! 100 POINTS! Please answer soon: (NO LINKS I WILL REPORT YOU! Also, WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!) 1. Do clouds need high or low pressure to form?
High or Low
2. True or False?
There is only one type of cloud, they just take different shapes.
3. Choose all of the substances that can form a cloud.
Dust Particles
Greenhouse Gases
Ice Crystals
4. As altitude decreases, air pressure [Select].
This is because the closer to sea level a location is, the
[Select] the air there is on top of it.
5. As the air in the atmosphere expands the further you get from the Earth’s surface, it becomes [Select] dense and air pressure [Select].
6. Air travels from areas of [Select] pressure to areas of [Select] pressure.
7. What type of weather could we expect in an area with high pressure?
8. What type of weather could we expect in an area with low pressure?
9. Air masses that form over land (Continental Air Masses) are [Select]
Air masses that form over oceans (Maritime Air Masses) are [Select]

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