01.08.2019 • 

100 points 7th grade science questions the purpose of the immune system is to identify and destroy disease-causing organisms called a) pathogens b) antibodies c) t cells d) macrophages 15) when we get sick with a cold or the flu, the system responds and tries to defend our body against the virus. a) immune b) nervous c) endocrine d) respiratory 16) when you eat, what order does food follow when passing through the digestive system? a) mouth, stomach, small intestine, esophagus, large intestine, anus b) esophagus,small intestine,anus c) mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus d) stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus 17) "the process of digesting food and breaking it down into smaller molecules for the body to use as energy" is the purpose of what human body system? a) digestive b) excretory c) skeletal d) nervous 18) the human respiratory system consists of various organs that work together to accomplish the vital task of bringing oxygen into the body. one organ listed is part of a system that with digestion rather than respiration. the organ that is incorrectly paired with a respiratory function is the a) nose - filters and warms air b) bronchi - moves air into the lungs c) diaphragm - muscle that powers breathing d) esophagus - moves air from the nose into the lungs 19) the lungs and respiratory system work closely with the system to make sure oxygen reaches all the cells of our body. a) circulatory b) digestive c) integumentary d) nervous 20) asthma narrows airways to the lungs and in the lungs by contraction of muscles around the air passages, swelling of the airway lining, and build-up of excessive mucus. because of this, asthma makes both the and systems work harder to deliver oxygen to the cells throughout the body. a) respiratory; nervous b) respiratory; muscular c) respiratory; digestive d) respiratory; circulatory

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