20.04.2022 • 

208 After researching the diets of several birds inhabiting a nearby pond, a student goes on a field investigation to observe the feeding habits of the birds. The student records information from research and observations in the table. Bind Feeding Habits Great blue heron Fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects, small mammals, small birds Mallard Usually stands still in the water near the edge of the pond, striking quickly at pney with its sharp beak Tips upside down to feed on underwater plants and seeds: picks up small prey and bits of food near the edge of the pond Dives in open water to find food of the bottom of the pond wades or stands still in the water near the edge of the pond to hunt Plants: Insect larvae. seeds, carthworms, snails, freshwater shrimp Pied-billed grebe Fish, crayfishi, insects: Great egnet Aquatic invertebrates all sh MSCs refiibiansen The student observes a great blue heron catching fish near the edge of the pored based on the information the student collected, which bied will compete with the great bolete here to the same hunting spots and similar prey? A The mallard, because it hunts for fish while wading tear the edge ki the bond B. The pied-billed grebe, because it dives utopen water to act claytisals on the bottom of the pond C The great egret because it hunts in water near the edge of the pond for asts sind achiet: D: None of these

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