12.04.2020 • 

5. A gene has a base sequence of GTC. Due to a mutation, the base sequence changes to GTG. Answer the following questions using the codon table below.

b) What are the bases of mRNA coded for by this section of DNA, after the mutation? Hint: In RNA, A pairs with U.

c) What amino acid is coded for by this sequence before the mutation? Hint: Use the codon table.

d) What amino acid is coded for by this sequence after the mutation?
e) Is this is a silent mutation or a missense mutation? Explain. Hint: Silent mutations have no effect on the amino acid.

f) What is the difference between a missense mutation and a silent mutation?
g) If the strand of DNA with the sequence GTA mutated to GTG, would this be a silent or missense mutation? Hint: Find the RNA for both sequences and check to see that they code for different amino acids.

h) If the strand of DNA with the sequence TTA mutated to TTG, would this be a silent or missense mutation? Hint: Find the RNA for both sequences and check to see that they code for different amino acids.

i) if the strand of DNA with the sequence TGA mutated to GGA, would this be a silent or missense mutation? Hint: Find the RNA for both sequences and check to see that they code for different amino acids.

5. A gene has a base sequence of GTC. Due to a mutation, the base sequence changes to GTG. Answer th

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