15.02.2021 • 

A biologist studies a population of anteaters living in a large nature reserve. The reserve is surrounded by farms where anteaters are not safe, but the reserve is a perfect place for anteaters: there are few predators and lots of ants. The biologist counts the number of anteaters in the reserve every year for twenty years and finds the size of the population does not change much. Which of the following is the best description of what life in this reserve is probably like for these anteaters?a. The anteaters have little or no difficulties obtaining food and raising offspring. ants. Their tongues are 24 inches long and covered with sticky saliva. Anteaters cannot open b. Adult anteaters compete for food and many young anteaters die. theirmouth, and do not have teeth. Even the stomachs of anteaters are unique: unlike most mammals,c. It is impossible to know without actually observing anteaters in the reserve.

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