26.01.2021 • 

А e Save Close or The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, which is used for classifying stars based on the relationship between their brightness and their tempera color, is provided. A trend among the Main Sequence Stars is that - Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram Bluxe White Yellow white Orange Red Color O B A F G к M Spectral Classification 10,000 Super Giaots 100 Main Sequence Stars Giants Luminosity/ Brightness 1 (Compared to the Sun) .01 White Dwars _0001 40,000 20,000 10.000 5,000 2.500 Temperature A most of the stars are white or red. B the hotter the star, the more brightly it burns. С stars dimmer than the Sun are of Class O or B.

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