17.07.2021 • 

A researcher is testing young children to see if they can learn to associate a red circle with an event that the child enjoys. She sets up an experiment where a toy bear dances. The infants predictably love the toy bear and stare at it when it makes noise and dances. She then trains the child by showing a big red circle on a screen in front of the child and, immediately after that, the bear appears and dances off to the side. The bear is only visible right after the red circle appears and the child must turn his or her head to see the bear. In this study, the unconditioned stimulus is baby does not turn head baby turns head dancing bear red circle , the unconditioned response is the dancing bear baby does not turn head red circle baby turns head , the conditioned stimulus is the dancing bear baby turns head baby does not turn head red circle , and the conditioned response is the baby does not turn head red circle dancing bear baby turns head . The neutral stimulus is the baby turns head dancing bear red circle baby does not turn head and the response to the neutral stimulus is the 6

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