11.01.2021 • 

An investigation was carried out over a five-year period to measure the effect of color on the survival of trout in a stream. The stream contained many brightly colored stones and food was plentiful. At the start of the investigation (year 0), 100 bright-colored trout and 100 drab-colored trout were placed into a section of the stream that had been blocked with netting. Investigators monitored the trout populations for five years and recorded the water condition each time a count was done. The data collected are shown in the table below. Year Bright colored trought Drab colored trought condition of water
0 100 100 clear
1 64 36 clear
2 86 25 clear
3 25 77 cloudy
4 14 86 cloudy
5 90 9 clear

How does this demonstrate that natural selection depends on the environment? This will be graded based on your overall claim and supporting statements, use of direct evidence from the data table, and your reasoning (CER).

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