03.10.2021 • 

art 1 Table 1 contains data from two bacterial growth curves. You will plot the data from each bacteria, using virtual graph paper. To do so, go to the following link: mvi- au.vlabs.ac.in/micro-biology-1/Bacterial_Growth_Curve/experiment.html A virtual graph sheet will come up on your screen. You will produce two graphs (one for each set of bacterial data) (5 marks for each graph). Graph each data point by placing your mouse at the point on the graph where the data point should go, and then click on the mouse button. Graph the rest of the data. Once you have finished the graph, take a screen shot of the graph and insert it into the powerpoint (one graph per slide). Follow the same step for the second graph. You need to label each graph as Graph One and Graph Two. Use the graphs to answer the following questions. Put your answers on additional slides of the powerpoint document. 1. label the growth phases of each graph (4 marks) Table 2. Bacterial growth data. Page 6 of 9 FOOD*2420 2. Which has the greater lag phase? Why? (2 marks) 3. Which bacteria has the greater death phase? Why? (2 marks) 4. Calculate the generation time for each bacteria. Be sure to show your work. (8 mark

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