04.10.2021 • 

As you will know by now you will be writing an essay in which you use your imagination and knowledge to predict possible occurrences that might happen if a change was to occur in the environment of some organism. In this essay you may choose any animal or plant that you wish to write about. As for the change that occurs to the environment I want you to choose one of the following conditions: 1. An severe increase of rainfall, 2. A severe decrease of rainfall, 3. A drastic upswing of temperatures, 4. A long, harsh winter, 5. A toxic spill, 6. Increased development by humans, or 7. Overpopulation by the organism itself. The remainder of the content of the essay is entirely up to you. However, below you will find a guideline that covers exactly what I am looking for and how many points each part is worth. I suggest strongly that you use this guide when you write because I will use it when I grade. 1. Is the essay of at least 500 words
2. Does the essay address all 4 needs of an organism
3. Is the effect of the change described in detail for each of the 4 needs. What happens to each need?
4. A detailed description of the fate of your organism is given What is the result of this Change?
/ 5 / 10 / 20
/ 10
5. A prediction of how the fate of your organism affects others / 5 What happens if your organism dies or adapts?
6. Spelling and grammar / 5
7. This rubric is attached to the front / 5

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