15.07.2019 • 

Bioinformatics: dna search project 1 summary: this project explores pattern matching techniques to find a pattern in a dna sequence containing letters in the dna alphabet {a, c, g, t}. for example, suppose we have a dna sequence as follows:the pattern “aatgg” can be found at the beginning of the third line. note that overlapping matches are counted individually. for example, if the sequence is ‘’ and the pattern is ‘aaa’, there are 4 occurrences of the pattern. part 1: a shell program dna-shell.c is provided that randomly initializes a text string (10240 characters) with the dna alphabet. a pattern of 3 to 7 characters is also randomly generated using the dna alphabet. you must insert code into the shell to implement the function 'match' which takes four input parameters, the pointer to the text string, the length of the text string, a pointer to the pattern, and the length of the pattern. the 'match' function must return the array of indices of occurrences of the pattern in the text string. for example, if the sequence is ‘aacaac’ and the pattern is ‘aac’, the return value is ‘0

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