31.08.2021 • 

Can you write In your lab notebook, design a controlled experiment to test the hypothesis “A low salt diet reduces blood pressure in mice.” You have access to: 300 mice
BP-Reducer (a blood pressure medication known to reduce blood pressure in mice)
Mouse-Chow (a regular mouse diet)
Reduced Salt Mouse-Chow (a low-salt mouse diet that is exactly the same as Mouse-Chow except that it has less salt)
You have a large group of assistants that staff the mouse facility around the clock, 7 days a week, and are experts at caring for and taking blood pressure readings of mice. From previous observations in humans and other animals, you expect it will take at least 3 weeks for a change in diet to affect blood pressure.

1. Describe of your experimental design. Be sure to identify your:

Independent variable
Dependent variable
At least 3 variables you will need to control
Your experimental group
Your negative control group
Your positive control group
2. What results would support the hypothesis that “A low salt diet reduces blood pressure in mice”? Include the results of all three groups in your chages of mices.

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