03.05.2021 • 

Coastal Dynamics Understand how the various coastal dynamics listed below (abiotic factors) affect the abundance of organisms - how they can increase or decrease the amounts concentrating on what changes they create in that habitat (for example: more oxygen, less water coverage, more/less air exposure, etc.) AND understand how these various coastal dynamics (abiotic factors) affect the types of adaptations those organisms have and how useful they are - give specific details related to each from the lesson.
Water depth
Water temperature
Tidal Action
Wave Action
Which of the above factors has the greatest influence on the abundance of organisms along the coast?
How do currents, waves and tides influence the adaptations of intertidal zone organisms? (See page 4 from lesson 03.06)
Know and describe the three zones of the rocky shore. (See page 3 from lesson 03.06 and this article)
The zones may also be called by these names (know this incase a question asks them using this name):
Supralittoral may also be known as: high tide zone, high littoral zone, splash zone
Intertidal may also be known as: upper intertidal zone, lower intertidal zone
Sublittoral may also be known as: submerged zone, subtidal zone, low tide zone

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