09.02.2022 • 

Divergent boundary , theory of continental drift , tectonic plate, rift valley, convection currents, convergent boundary, subduction zone, ridge push, mid ocean ridge, trench, Pangaea, Transform boundary, slab pull the process by which one tectonic plate slips beneath another tectonic plate

the deepest area of the ocean

Huge pieces of earth's crust that cover its surface and fit together at their edges.

a place where two of earth's tectonic plates are moving apart; is associated with volcanism, earthquakes, and high heat flow and is found primarily on the seafloor

long, narrow depression that forms when continental crust begins to separate at a divergent boundary

place where two tectonic plates are moving toward each otheris associated with trenches, island arcs, and folded mountains

ancient landmass made up of all the continents that began to break apart about 200 million years ago

chain of underwater mountains that run throughout the ocean basins, have a total length of 65,000 km and contain active and extinct volcanoes

place where two tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other

tectonic process associated with convection currents in earth's mantle that occurs when the weight of an elevated ridge pushes an oceanic plate toward a subduction zone

tectonic process associated with convection currents in earth's mantle that occurs as the weight of the subducting plate pulls the trailing lithosphere into a subduction zone

the theory that earth's continents were joined as a single land mass, called Pangaea, that brokd apart about about 200 million years ago and slowly moved to their present positions

aid in the transfer of thermal energy from warmer regions of matter to cooler regions

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