18.02.2021 • 

Diversity of Organisms Research Rubric Complete the research fact-finding form. The directions say to choose 5 organisms, however, 3 will be fine. You must, however, choose an organism from one of the 6 kingdoms. For example, you cannot choose three animals. You can choose an animal, bacteria, or plant. Be specific and use scientific names. Write a scientific-style paper using the information you have gathered. Your paper should be no less than 5 paragraphs.
Students will choose a region or place of their choice and research 5 organisms in that area. The organisms can be a part of any kingdom, choose organisms in at least 3 different kingdoms.
1. Where is your area or region of research? 5pts

2. What type of environment can be found there? (City, rural, desert, forest, etc) 5pts

3. What is the climate? 5 pts

4. Fill in the chart below about the 5 organisms you researched. 10pts

5. The names of organisms written scientifically (genus and species). 10pts

2pts X 3 Organism(Kingdom)
2 pts x 3 Cell Type
2pts X 3 Mode of Nutrition
2pts X 3 Number of Cells
2pts X 3 Reproduction
2pts X 3 Interesting Fact

Conclusion 10pts

Typed 9 pts

Grammar and Mechanics 10pts

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