25.06.2019 • 

Dr. dimwit observes that college student who voluntarily sign up for a six-week study skills course get better grades than college students who do not take the course. “there you have it! ” says dr. dimwit, "this course clearly makes you better student! " i am needing to respond to this as a discussion that needs to be at least 150 words! here is an example of what it should say! "dr. dimwit is interpreting the results of the correlation study inaccurately. even though the correlation between the college students who voluntarily sign up for a six-week study skills course get better grades than the college students who do not take the course is positive, there are many other variables he is not taking into consideration. since the course was voluntary, there is a good chance that the students who took the class care more about their grades and study outside of the classroom. students that did not sign up for the study skills course probably do not desire to have top grades and probably put forth less effort and their studies; thus, they did not sign up for the study skills course. dr. dimwit would need to know what the students grades were before and after the course to decide if the course actually them improve their grades or not. there is a chance that the course did not them at all; maybe they were just good students that took a course to them become even better students. dr. dimwit needs to take a few more items into consideration, such as the work ethic of the students and their grades before the course, before making his conclusion."

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