29.08.2020 • 

Fill in the blank. 1. The buildup of sediment where a river empties into a slow-moving or non-moving body of water is known as a/an .

2. A type of soil made almost entirely of windblown sediment is called .

3. The in soil comes from decaying plants and animals and their waste products.

4. , which is made up of tiny particles and drains water very poorly, is one of the main components of soil.

5. A type of soil called peat is most likely to form in a/an .

6. Water helps in the development of soil by carrying and nutrients from upper layers to lower layers.

7. The of nutrients from soil is common in wet environments, like rain forests.

8. Quartz-rich parent material leads to the development of soils.

9. The layers of soil composed mainly of organic matter are known as the and horizon.

10. A layer of soil in which clay, iron, and other elements from the overlying soil accumulates is known as the horizon, or subsoil.

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