06.11.2019 • 

Groundwater activity worksheet reflection questions- article 1 1. using the simulation, describe what happens to groundwater when pumping is lower or equal to the rate of infiltration. 2. using the simulation, describe what happens to the stream and water table as the number of pumps running is increased. 3. how can water needs be met if the rate of infiltration is lower than the rate of pumping? 4. in the simulation, what happened to the stream as the water table dropped? what will happen to the groundwater if a pollutant is added to the stream? 5. predict long-term changes to the surface landscape of the area if too much water is drawn from the ground and the water table drops further. reflection questions- article 2 1. how long did the initial contamination of the hudson river last? 2. why did contamination continue and spread after the initial contamination was stopped? 3. how did the mass contamination affect wildlife in the area? 4. why do you think they limit navigational dredging in the hudson? 5. after a massive clean-up, why will contamination continue for decades after

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