23.08.2019 • 

Gypsum is a mineral used in the production of cement. the following table describes the properties of the mineral gypsum as well as the properties that make cement useful.
properties of gypsum
gypsum is a solid at room temperature and is composed of calcium and sulfate bonded to two water molecules.
gypsum fractures to make smooth surfaces.
gypsum has a low hardness.
gypsum can change hydration reaction rates based on concentration.
gypsum is typically white, clear, gray, or yellow in color.
cement needs to be able to flow into any shape before setting.
desired properties of cement
cement needs to fracture unevenly to improve durability.
cement needs to have a high hardness after setting and drying.
cement needs to be able to have different hydration reaction rates to change the setting and drying time for different uses.
a neutral color is preferred for cement.
which property makes gypsum useful in the production of cement?
gypsum has a low hardness.
gypsum is a solid composed of calcium and sulfate bonded to two water molecules.
gypsum fractures to make smooth surfaces.
gypsum can change hydration reaction rates based on concentration.

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