30.01.2021 • 

I’ll give the Brainliest to who answers these questions with reasonable explanations. 1. Which layer of ground contains organic matter and tiny rock particles?

A. midsoil

B. subsoil

C. bedrock

D. topsoil

2. Why do farmers need to use strategies like crop rotation?

A. changing crops every season increases the rate of photosynthesis

B. rotating crops keeps plant eating animals away

C. crops drain the soil of nutrients

D. using the same crops each season overuses water

3. How does weathering help to create soil?

A. Weathering adds organic material to the soil.

B. Weathering builds up the rocks that create the deepest soil layer.

C. Weathering breaks parent material into smaller pieces.

D. Weathering compacts small particles into larger rock pieces.

4. What basic nutrients necessary for life are present in soil?

A. waste matter, bacteria, dead plants, animals

B. hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen phosphorous, sulfur

C. rocks, minerals, microorganisms, root hairs, animals

D. iron, magnesium, silicon, sodium, calcium, potassium

Thank you.

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