07.03.2021 • 

II. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
21. Estuaries are replaceable resources.
22. Continue taking marine life from these areas.
23. Sewage is one of the contributors of water pollution.
24. Dynamite fishing is helpful in estuaries environment.
25. Choose foods that are locally developed and grown sustainably.
26. Stop reclaiming water from estuaries and intertidal zones.
27. Planting mangrove trees can prevent the unevenness in the estuaries environment.
28. Let your local council know if you see something that could be a risk.
29. Ships arriving from overseas are being unlimited to prevent the invasion of exotic species.
30. Don't pour harmful substances such as oil, detergent or paint into the estuary and intertidal zones.
31. Ecosystem is the relationship between living and nonliving things.
32. Mangrove forests are areas inestuaries that are filled with mangrove.
33. Corals are rocks that serve as shelter and breeding ground for many aquatic animals.
34. Mangrove trees have adopted to salt water and play a significant role in the environment.
35. Decomposers get energy by breaking down dead organisms and their wastes.
36. Consumers are green plants, algae, or microorganisms that are capable of making their own food
37. Leave our beaches clean. Always pick up your trash and dispose it properly.
_38. Dispose toxic products in the ocean.
39. Estuaries are important because it filters dirt before the freshwater enter the seas or oceans.
40. Use toxic pesticides. Excessive use of toxic pesticides cannot pollute nearby waterways.​

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