10.10.2019 • 

Imagine you are standing in a field and you see a group of butterflies. you notice that the butterflies are not identical to each other even though they are all from the same species and the same population. one day you notice an individual that looks noticeably different from the other butterflies in the population. it has much larger wings and can fly faster than the other butterflies. this difference allows the butterfly to escape predation more efficiently than other butterflies in the population. the difference came about because this butterfly spent more time developing in warm moist areas of the habitat than other butterflies. do you expect the following generations to be composed of butterflies with larger wings? a) yes, this trait is advantageous so more butterflies will choose to develop in warm moist areas of the habitat. b) yes, this represents a genetic mutation that will be passed onto offspring. c) no, this represents non-heritable variation caused by the environment. d) no, this represents heritable variation but this trait does not increase ability to mate so will not be passed to the next generation.

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