03.03.2021 • 

In three to fivethyhyth sentences, write an introduction to a nareehdrative written in first-person point of view. Bteebye surereynreeg to include an introduction of main characters and a problem they face. In three to five dh, write an introduction to a narrative written ingbyhve first-ydt point of view. Bgrhe sure to include an inwerfnej,ftroduction of main characters and a problem they face. In three to five sentences, write an fgfbfgbbth to ayvh narrative written in first-person point of view. Be surwbychrwee to include an introdheydghyhuction of mainyhyhyh characters and a problem they face.ns.bhkvklw tjhlksfdhvdfhc h In three to five sentences, write an introduction to a narrative written in first-person point of viewety. Be shutyre to include an introduction of main characters and a problem they face.

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