21.07.2019 • 

Ionly have 10 points, so.. sorry. 1. the colors of an opaque object are the result of: refracted light reflected light the light transmitted 2. sounds which we hear are the result of vibrations true false 3. in the english system, force is measured as: ft. lbs. ft.-lbs. ft.-lbs./sec. 4. a force of 2,500 pounds drags a truck 30 feet in 1/2 minute. how much work is accomplished? how much power was required? work = 75,000 ft-lbs, power = 32, 5000 ft-lbs/sec work = 7,500 ft-lbs, power = 250 ft-lbs/sec work= 75,000 ft-lbs, power = 2,500 ft-lbs/sec 5. the resistance which opposes the motion of moving parts is called inertia friction gravity 6. the "work principle" for real machines can be defined as, "the work accomplished by a machine will always be less than the work needed to operate the machine." true false 7. mass and weight are essentially the same. true false 8. a single chemical which will not divide into any other simpler substance is: an element a compound a molecule 9. what is "atomic number"? a place in the periodic table the number of atoms in a molecule the number of protons in an atom the number of units of atomic weight 10. the atomic weight of an atom is? equal to the number of protons equal to the number of neutrons approximately the number of neutrons plus protons an actual (real) weight of the atom a relative weight

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