22.02.2020 • 

Know that the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) for all of the nephrons in both kidneys is approximately 125mL per minute. That means that about 125mL of fluid and dissolved substances are filtered out of the blood per minute. The fluid moves into the Bowman’s capsule, the first collecting tube of the nephron. Use this information to complete the calculations and answer the questions below.Calculate the GFR per day. Show your work. Express your answer in liters (L) per day.The GFR per day is 180 liters/day.About how many 2L soda bottles would you fill per day?I would fill 90 soda bottles per day.What do you think about this value? Do you produce this much urine in one day? What must be happening to some of the fluid that is being filtered by the glomerulus?I think this value is a little too high of a volume to excrete out of the body per day. I don’t produce that much urine per day. Most of the fluid filtered by the glomerulus has to be returned back into the blood

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