25.06.2021 • 

Male pied kingfishers rarely produce young in their first year as adults. Some young males, called primary helpers, aid their parents in raising a brood of chicks. Primary helpers increase their parents' fitness by 1.8 chicks. Because a parent is commonly replaced by a stepparent, the coefficient of relatedness, ,r, between the primary helpers and the chicks equals 0.32. Secondary helpers help an unrelated set of parents raise a brood of chicks and increase these parents' fitness by 1.3 chicks. The coefficient of relatedness between the secondary helpers and the chicks they help raise is 0. Delayers are males that don't help raise any chicks in their first adult year. During their second adult year, primary helpers, secondary helpers, and delayers have, on average, 2.5 chicks, but the survival rates, Psm,Psm, vary between these males. Primary helpers have a PsmPsm of 0.32, secondary helpers a PsmPsm of 0.67, and delayers a PsmPsmof 0.29.

Calculate the inclusive fitness of the primary helpers.

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