25.06.2019 • 

Me fill me fill in the blanks my options: adaptation, body, homologous structures, inheritance, older, artificial selection, overproduction, punctuated equilibrium, common ancestor 1) similarities in the early development of chickens and opossums suggest that these organisms share a 2) niles eldredge found evidence in trilobite fossils of a pattern of evolution in which short periods of large change are mixed in with longer periods of little or no change. this pattern is called 3) narwhals are aquatic mammals known for the giant tusk that protrudes from their upper lip. these mammals live in arctic waters and can spend more than three hours at a time underwater at great depths that would crush other animals. the narwhal’s ability to endure such long underwater dives is an example of a(n) 4) study the image shown below, which shows a frog on top of several eggs. this image is an example of one of the key elements in natural selection known as 5) the image below shows an example of a fossil. 6) a horticulturist wants a plant that produces flowers with a certain size, color, and fragrance, but is not aware of any one plant having all of these traits. the quickest way she could achieve her goal would be to apply the process of 7) allows traits favorable for survival to be passed from parents to offspring. 8) body parts found in two or more similar species, scientists form theories about evolutionary relationships.

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