29.08.2020 • 

Mr. Toowise was having a difficult time getting his students to get good grades on quizzes. He was trying to think of a way that he could positively reward his students. He read an article that said that lab rats that were rewarded with sunflower seeds ran through a maze faster than rats that were not rewarded with sunflower seeds. Mr. Toowise stated, "I think that the more sunflower seeds I promise my students, the better they will do on a quiz." He divided the class into three groups. Group one was promised zero sunflower seeds if they did well on the next quiz. Group two was promised 25 sunflower seeds if they did well on the next quiz. Group three was promised 50 sunflower seeds if they did well on the next qutz. Group one received an average of 70% on the quiz. Group two received an average of 73% on the quiz. Group three received an average of 71% on the quiz. He looked at his results and concluded that the amount of sunflowers promised to students does not effect their quiz scores. Using the information provided in the scenario above, fill in the data table below
1. Hypothesis:
2. Dependent Variable:
3. Independent Variable:
4. Constant Control Group
5. Experimental Group:

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