07.12.2020 • 

Next, you’ll build a simulation based on what you think will happen because of natural selection. Here are two considerations:

Some individuals with harmful characteristics can still successfully reproduce, but they have an overall lower chance of doing so compared to organisms with neutral or beneficial traits.
Natural selection may affect distribution of traits. It’s possible that harmful traits could eventually disappear from the gene pool.
Don’t worry about precise population numbers. Based on your understanding of natural selection, you’ll be modeling only one scientifically plausible trend that can occur. There are several correct variations of this diagram. You’ll explain the justification for your choices in part E.

Assume that these plants have a life expectancy of about one year, but the rate of reproduction keeps their population consistently around 2,500 organisms. Using the same elements you used in part C, draw simulations for year 5 and year 10. Clearly label each simulation.

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