28.01.2021 • 

Okay check my answer, don't just answer and say something random just to get points. If you want points I'll make a separate thing just for u. But you HAVE to tell me in the COMMENT section not in an answer. Thank you pls hurry:( Students are conducting an experiment to determine if the amount of sunlight affects the size of clover leaves. They plant clover in two identical pots, placing one next to a window and one inside a cupboard. They water each pot daily with 10 mL of water. Which is the independent variable?(1 point)
A. The kind of pots the plants are in
B. The size of the plants leaves
C. The amount of light the plants recieve
D. The volume of water the plants recieve

Pls help I think it's B or C but I'm not sure pls help me!!

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