08.07.2021 • 


What is an opinion piece?

Opinions are strongly held beliefs. Although it's impossible to prove that an opinion is absolutely true or false, it is possible to support and recommend an opinion (Reading and Writing for Success, 82). An opinion piece is a type of persuasive writing.

The writer of an opinion piece explains or defends their point of view on a topic.

Opinion Piece Elements

. Strong Statement of Opinion Often appears in a single sentence close to the beginning of the piece.

. Context Where the writer shows why their opinion is important to them, or why it should be important to the reader.

. Support for the Opinion Facts, general observations or predictions about future effects, and appeals to the reader's interests that support the idea(s) expressed in the writer's opinion.

What is an opinion piece?

Opinions are strongly held beliefs. Although it's impossible to prove that an opinion is absolutely true or false, it is possible to support and recommend an opinion (Reading and Writing for Success, 82). An opinion piece is a type of persuasive writing. The writer of an opinion piece explains or defends their point of view on a topic.

Opinion Piece Elements

.Strong Statement of Opinion Often appears in a single sentence close to the beginning of the piece.

.Context Where the writer shows why their opinion is important to them, or why it should be important to the reader.

. Support for the Opinion Facts, general observations or predictions about future effects, and appeals to the reader's interests that support the idea(s) expressed in the writer's opinion.

Opinion Piece Rough Copy

Introduction Paragraph (Consists of three parts)


1. Topic: Introduce the issue (do not state your opinion, just vaguely make mention of the issue/topic).

2. Background: Relevance to society, basic and general background information about the topic.

3. Opinion: State your opinion and mention the three reasons why you believe your opinion to be true. In my opinion

Body Paragraph (Provides support for your opinion)

4. Topic Sentence: Introduce the topic of the paragraph (make mention of your three reasons).

5. Reason A: Stare your first reason (point) for your opinion.

6. Support A: Supports/proves what you stated in your reason and recaps your position.

7. Reason B: Stare your first reason (point) for your opinion. (Start this sentence with a transition word)

8. Support B: Supports/proves what you stated in your reason and recaps your position.

9. Concluding Sentence: Restates the main idea of the paragraph (it's like a "mirror" of the T.S. But with more detail/specific information)

Concluding Paragraph (short, emotive

paragraph that sums up your argument (two parts)

10. Restate Opinion: Remind the reader of your opinion (vary wording and structure).

11. Summary of Main Points: Sum up the information you provided in your body paragraph.

Opinion Piece: Brainstorming Outline Body

Paragraph Point #1: Second strongest Argument Body Paragraph Point #2: Strongest Argument

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