16.07.2019 • 

Question 1 (3 points) question 1 unsaved which of the following is an example of matter? question 1 options: materials that make up the stars air metals, gems and minerals all of the above save question 2 (3 points) question 2 unsaved which two properties are used to define matter? question 2 options: has mass and conducts heat has buoyancy and volume has mass and takes up space conducts energy and has characteristic properties save question 3 (2 points) question 3 unsaved in a solid, the atoms are tightly locked in position and do not change position. question 3 options: true false save question 4 (3 points) question 4 unsaved a liquid has question 4 options: a definite shape but no definite volume. a definite volume but no definite shape. no definite shape or definite volume. a definite volume and a definite shape. save question 5 (3 points) question 5 unsaved what state of matter describes yogurt? question 5 options: solid liquid gas plasma save question 6 (3 points) question 6 unsaved which of the following best defines the term conductor? question 6 options: a substance with a high conductivity that easily transfers heat a substance that with a low conductivity a substance with a low ability or no ability to conduct energy a substance that moves heat from one place to another save question 7 (3 points) question 7 unsaved which of the following best describes the phase change that occurs at a freezing point? question 7 options: liquid to gas liquid to solid solid to gas gas to liquid save

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