14.05.2021 • 

Question 20 Low doses of antibiotics are often added to livestock feed to increase production. Studies have shown that bacterial populations constantly exposed to the sublethal doses can evolve resistance to the antibiotics. A
research group claimed that when a population of bacteria are constantly exposed to sublethal doses of streptomycin, their fitness declines due to the increased energy requirements for survival in the presence of the
antibiotic. For subsequent studies, the researchers wish to determine whether adding a low, sublethal dose of an additional antibiotic causes further decline in the fitness of the bacteria
Which of the following best represents the next step the researchers should take with respect to experimental design?
Group 1: high dose of streptomycin + low dose of additional antibiotic
Group 2: low dose of streptomycin + high dose of additional antibiotic
Group 1: low dose of streptomycin + no dose of additional antibiotic
Group 2 low dose of streptomycin + low dose of additional antibiotic
Group 1: no dose of streptomycin + no dose of additional antibiotic
Group 2: low dose of streptomycin + low dose of additional antibiotic
Group 1: low dose of streptomycin + low dose of additional antibiotic
Group 2: high dose of streptomycin + high dose of additional antibiotic
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