24.09.2020 • 

Regulation of breathing is controlled not by the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood but by blood pH. When the blood becomes too acidic, receptors in the brain respond to changes in blood pH and increase breathing rate. Order the following events to show how the body maintains stable blood pH when blood carbon dioxide levels change. Assume a person is exercising and her muscles are releasing carbon dioxide. 1. There is an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood.
2. Receptors in the brain detect an increase in acidity of blood.
3. Increase in breathing rate, exhaling more carbon dioxide.
4. Carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic.
5. Carbonic acid dissociates into water and carbon dioxide.
6. pH of the blood increases (becomes more base)
7. Carbonic acid dissociates, forming bicarbonate and hydrogen ions.
8. pH decreases in the blood (it becomes more acidic).

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