28.02.2021 • 

Study the graph and then complete the passage. 425 8.33 400 Atmospheric CO2 (ppmv) Seawater pCO2 (uatm) Seawater pH 8.28 375 8.23 CO2 350 8.185 PETITE 325 8.13 300 8.08 275 1955 1965 1975 1995 2005 8.03 2015 1985 Year The graph shows data collected near the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii from 1955 to 2015. The data includes atmospheric CO2 levels, seawater CO2 concentrations, and seawater pH readings. If the current trend continues, the seawater near Mauna Loa will likely become more alkaline due to the changing concentration of in the water.​

Study the graph and then complete the passage. 425 8.33 400 Atmospheric CO2 (ppmv) Seawater pCO2 (

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