07.06.2020 • 

Suppose that a population composed of 100 individuals existed on an island in the Caribbean Sea. Two different alleles of the A gene were present in this population ( a1 and a2 ) at equal frequency. The following events occurred to this unlucky population. Determine what evolutionary force (mutation, migration, drift, or selection) is represented by each event. In addition, tell the effect of each eventon the genetic composition of the population.A) A devastating fire caused the death of 10 individuals. B) A disease swept through the island and killed 13 individuals. The a1 confers resistance to the disease.
C) A disease swept through the island killing 13 individuals. Neither a1 nor a2 confers resistance to the disease.
D) A boat containing individuals from a different island containing a1, a2, and a3 alleles landed at the island.
E)The leader (whose genotype is a1a1) declared that only individuals with the a1 have the right to be on the island and mate. All a2, a3 individuals moved to another island.
F) A man stumbles upon a barrel that has spilled its contents on some rocks. Unknown the to man, who cannot read, the barrel says "Radioactive". He decides to bring one of the new glowing rocks home to show his wife and puts it in his pants pocket.Some of their babies had an a4.

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