15.12.2019 • 

The black footed ferret is a highly specialized predator that depends on prairie dogs for survival mairie dogs make up more than
90% of the black footed ferret's diet, and prairie dog burrows provide ferrets with dens to raise the young as well as a means
to escape from predators and harsh weather ferret habitat largely coincided with the habitats of the black tailed prairie dog
ludovicianus), gunnison's prairie dog ( gunnyson), and the white tailed prairie dog (leucurus. despite significant recovery
successes over the last decade, the black footed ferret remains one of the most endangered animals in the world
consider the status of the black footed ferret. what is the most logical contributing factor to its endangered status?
the exponential growth of ferret predator populations,
human encroachment that has greatly reduced the prairie dog populations
the growing habitat range of the prairie dog populations throughout the
united states
climatic change that has significantly modified the climate of the central
united states

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