24.09.2020 • 

The Ocean as Influencer, Círca Nov. 2019 From the 1980s to 2010, wind speeds had been steadily decreasing globally. This phenomenon was term 'terrestrial stilling' and one theory as to its cause was that rapid urbanization increased surface roughness. If this decrease in wind speed had continued until 2100, scientists predict that global wind speed would have decreased by 21%. However, since 2010 wind speeds have been increasing at a rate three times as high as the rate they were previously decreasing at. Ocean atmospheric circulation (OAC) has been deemed a possible cause of the increase. The OAC increase results from additional heating of Earth's surface (including Earth's oceans) which creates pressure gradients that induce increased wind. Does the ocean's temperature have an impact on how much energy we can derive from wind turbines? EVIDENCE:?

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