30.06.2019 • 

There are two plant populations (a and b) located in this wetland system. population a lives within the wetlands, in the lowlandssurrounding the pond. this habitat is characterized by high humidity and an abundance of plant species. population b lives onhigher ground; on the hills overlooking the pond and wetland. the plants in population b are mostly one species of small trees.the transpiration rates of the two populations differ greatly, as seen in the data table. the research group collecting thetranspiration data has hypothesized that the relative humidity in each location plays an important role in the transpiration rate.another group suggested that transpiration rate varies with species and that the populations are composed of completelydifferent speciesyou are part of the research group that hypothesized that relative humidity played a role in the transpiration differences.what additional evidence might you provide to support your hypothesis? population a has a high water potential and loss due to transpirationbecause of the increased humidity.population b has less water loss due to transpiration due to less crowding,less shading and an increase in humidity.population b shows an increased loss of water through transpirationbecause the environmental conditions are windier and less humid.population a has a low water potential and loss due to transpirationbecause more crowded conditions result in lower humidity and lessshading.

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