18.12.2020 • 

Tudents were having a discussion about how the organ systems interact to maintain homeostasis. Which student had the best argument for how body systems interact with one another to maintain homeostasis? Student 1

“To maintain homeostasis, the nervous system gives directions to the cardiovascular system to deliver carbon dioxide to the cells. The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen back to the respiratory system to remove the oxygen waste from the body.”

Student 2

“To maintain homeostasis, the digestive system takes in nutrients to be delivered to body cells by the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system also delivers wastes to the excretory system to be removed from the body.”

Student 3

“To maintain homeostasis, the respiratory system takes in nutrients to be delivered to body cells by the cardiovascular system. The digestive system is responsible for removing carbon dioxide waste from the body.”

Student 4

“To maintain homeostasis, the muscular system provides the energy needed to take in nutrients and remove waste products.”

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

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