21.03.2020 • 

. Using aseptic technique, inoculate each of the appropriately labeled media listed below in the following manner: a. Nutrient agar slants: With a sterile needle, make a single-line streak of each of the cultures provided, starting at the butt and drawing the needle up the center of the slanted agar surface. b. Nutrient agar plates: With a sterile loop, prepare a streak-plate inoculation of each of the cultures for the isolation of discrete colonies. c. Nutrient broth cultures: Using a sterile loop, inoculate each organism into a tube of nutrient broth. Shake the loop a few times to dislodge the inoculum. d. Nutrient gelatin: Using a sterile needle, prepare a stab inoculation of each of the cultures provided. 2. Incubate all cultures at 37°C for 24 to 48 hours.

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